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A Choice selection of BC Hardwoods


Burning clean

Enjoy with family & friends

When we started this company, we did our homework and found that the Lower Mainland and surrounding areas had hardwoods (Alder, Birch and Maple) readily available. This was important to us as we knew the advantage of burning hardwoods is that they emit less particles in the air, thus less pollution and less chimney cleaning because it burns so clean. This makes the experience of enjoying a fire with family and friends safer and more enjoyable.

choose the firewood for you


Alder has always been one of the most preferred woods of our First Nations people. The wood is low in pitch, which makes it a good wood for smoking meat as well as its hardness has also been used for carving items such as bowls. Along with firewood, alder is used for furniture and flooring. Alder is a nitrogen-fixer, meaning that it puts nitrogen back into the soil, its ashes are a good sources of fertilizer for your soil.


Birch is another popular hardwood among our First Nations people as it has always been very practical to make baskets, canoes, cradles and use as medicine for colds. Birch is a good firewood it burns well and produces a moderate amount of heat. It splits fairly easy and dries fast once split. Birch bark makes great fire starter because of its similarity to paper. Birch doesn’t have a lot of smoke and won’t throw a lot of sparks.


Maple is another staple in the BC Hardwoods. Maple trees are not just about their syrup and beautiful leaves we symbolize in Canada its straight grained wood is also a very good source for heating because of the strong heat it produces but also the amazing sweet aroma that comes from the wood. Maple firewood typically burns very clean with little smoke and sparks and produces long and steady burns.


Who doesn't love an apple tree? Beyond its beautiful fruit, Apple hardwood is very popular for burning for its sweet aromas. It is great for outdoor fires because of it’s fragrance but it has also become very desirable among cooks for wood burning ovens as well as for smoking foods. Apple wood is one of the hottest burning woods available and creates a slow, even clean burn with low smoke.


Cherry wood is another star in the fruit hardwoods as it produces moderate heat and most importantly it creates a slow burn and low smoke with a sweet aroma. This is one of the most desired woods for smoking meat or fish or cooking food in a wood fired oven. Cherry wood does create small sparks or crackles which can add to the audible charm of your fire but typically does not throw sparks outwards. Cherry wood also doesn't normally smoke or smolder making it a safer wood as it burns cleaner reducing gasses.

Love the watch dog!
pizza oven with apple wood
applewood fire


We did extensive research on uses. As a child growing up in Vancouver we would sit around the fire in the family room. These warm memories of my childhood always brought a smile to my face. These treasured moments were something we felt we could recreate…a family sharing stories while heating their homes.

While the family sitting in the living room staying warm is not as common anymore, what is coming back in style are wood stoves in the home for heating to cut down on utility bills but also for those concerned about the environment by creating renewable energy.

Naturally, camping is a huge use for our firewood and continues to be very popular during times when we’re not experiencing fire bans in the province. We have developed a huge following of ‘weekend warriors’ that use our firewood for camping in our beautiful province. Ahhh…a campfire – Priceless!

Over the last decade as we grew our firewood program, we found a number of our customers were developing backyards into living spaces. This included the standalone fire pit or the beautifully landscaped fire pits and fireplaces used for sitting around and staying warm at night. The biggest trend though was coming from our new clientele who were cooking with their backyard pizza ovens! As we watched this trend gather speed, we did further research to find the perfect wood for cooking pizza.

Fruitwoods like Apple, Cherry and Peach were noted as the best to flavour your food. We partnered with an orchard in the Okanagan and started shipping down 4 cords of wood to our nursery at a time and now we’re receiving a 54 foot trailer in the yard bi-monthly to keep our supply chain alive and well.

naturally dried


The harvesting and processing of hardwoods is a long and tedious process. We pride ourselves in going through the necessary steps to ensure the moisture levels in the wood are 7-15%. It is important to retain these numbers so that the wood burns slower while not smoking or splitting. By shipping our wood from the Interior in tote bags on pallets, it makes storage at our yard a lot more efficient. We dry all of our wood naturally in windrows allowing for beautiful natural flame.
A Member of The Artisan Garden Group
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